PC PAL is delighted to sponsor this year’s virtual meeting of the British Society for Endocrinology and Diabetes (BSPED), 24-26 November.
Available at the PC PAL virtual exhibition, we present a short film: Enhanced growth charting – a 5-minute update [https://vimeo.com/pcpal/growthxp-uk]. Delegates can see what’s new in electronic growth charts now available with GrowthXP. This popular application accurately reproduces the traditional paper growth chart with multiple curves on the same page. Pediatric endocrinologist especially like the amount of information on one page. For example, the UK growth chart displays height, weight and BMI centiles along with target height data. The electronic growth charts app, GrowthXP, is compatible with electronic health records and so offers the convenience of reading a child’s data directly from the information clinicians enter into the record.
