PC PAL has completed its first and highly successful US advertising campaign using Karger’s innovative solution to the provision of the right information to the right clinicians. For specialists in child growth and development, articles relevant to their field were accompanied by a clickable banner linking to the latest information on the leading digital growth chart application, GrowthXP. ‘According to PC PAL Consultant, David Bennett: ‘As a specialist provider of a paediatric charting application, which integrates with electronic health record systems, such a targeted approach provides a cost-effective way to connect with our audience’. The response to our message is in line with the experience from Europe that paediatric specialists in the US are looking for higher quality digital growth and development charting than is available with their current system’. Karger’s Head of Clinical and Patient Markets, Joachim Flickinger commented: ‘We’ve recognised for some time that our readers and industry sponsors need a more efficient way to connect compared to the traditional, broadcast approach to advertising. Our specialist publications in pediatric endocrinology are ideally suited to the needs of PC PAL’s focus on child growth and development and exemplifies how contextual targeting can create touchpoints between the information demands of an expert readership and the marketing needs of a highly specialised business. We look forward to working with commercial partners such as PC PAL on future programmes’.