PC PAL’s long-standing cooperation with the pediatric endocrinology community continues at this week’s annual meeting of the Pediatric Endocrine Society, in San Diego (5 – 8 May). We welcome delegates to discuss our exhibition to see the latest features within the growth monitoring application, Growth XP. Also available at the exhibit, our scientific newsletter provides a round-up of congress and news highlights from 2022. The newsletter illustrates how accurate digital growth charts can support diagnosis and monitoring of children presenting with different conditions: Marfan syndrome, Costello syndrome, achondroplasia, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and severe obesity. Significant interest is anticipated in the new rare disease module, an optional resource for GrowthXP. With this module specialists can follow the growth of children diagnosed with one of more than 50 rare disorders. PC PAL would like to thank the many specialists who have contributed reference data which has permitted PC PAL’s software developers to include such a comprehensive range of rare disease charts in GrowthXP.