A large US survey of electronic health record (EHR) users reveals expectations to the year 2030. The Office of National Coordinator (ONC) identified some clearly expressed needs for EHR applications: ‘Health professionals will be able to use best-in-class software applications and services in combination with electronic health records to enhance care delivery and decision-making within clinical workflows.’
PC PAL’s growth charting application, GrowthXP, has gained popularity with many leading hospitals (including a third of top 100 European hospitals) due to its high level of functionality for paediatric use, combined with the easy integration with EHRs via the FHIR standard. Availability of GrowthXP will be extended to US institutions using FHIR-compliance EHRs during 2022.
Reference: https://www.healthit.gov/topic/interoperability/health-interoperability-outcomes-2030