Revised CDC BMI charts 2 to 20 years of age

BMI – time for reappraisal

Body Mass Index (BMI) has been relied on as a convenient measure to diagnose underweight, overweight and obesity. The cut-offs for overweight and obesity are routinely used to determine disease risk and even eligibility for surgery. However, the availability of new data is now leading some specialists to question the traditional reliance on BMI. A…

PC PAL support for growth specialists at the Pediatric Endocrine Society congress, 2023

PC PAL’s long-standing cooperation with the pediatric endocrinology community continues at this week’s annual meeting of the Pediatric Endocrine Society, in San Diego (5 – 8 May). We welcome delegates to discuss our exhibition to see the latest features within the growth monitoring application, Growth XP. Also available at the exhibit, our scientific newsletter provides…