PC PAL is delighted to support this year’s annual meeting of the Pediatric Academic Societies in Washington (27 April – 1 May). Please visit our exhibition booth for a friendly and informative discussion on the state-of-the-art of growth charting. At our exhibit booth delegates can see the leading growth charting applications, GrowthXP and GrowthXP Prenatal. GrowthXP now features the new, extended CDC BMI charts for children and adolescents, which provide curves above the 97th percentile (98th, 99th, 99.9th and 99.99th) and are advised by the CDC for use with severely obese children. Also, for the first time at a PAS meeting, growth specialists can see the rare diseases module for GrowthXP which allows the charting of children with one of over 50 rare disorders, including achondroplasia and Turner, Down, Noonan and Prader-Willi syndromes. GrowthXP is compatible with electronic health records and so offers the convenience of reading a child’s data directly from the information clinicians enter into the record.