We take it for granted when using our smart phones, whether Apple or Android, that a product downloaded from an app store will work on our device and pick up the correct information from the relevant database. The same ‘plug and play’ convenience is the dream for healthcare providers who wish to allow their staff to make use of the patient data they have entered into their electronic health record (EHR) system. PC PAL has designed it’s medical software apps to offer the convenience of easy integration with our clients’ EHR systems.
Since 2020 the growth charting app, GrowthXP, has been compatible with the data access standard, FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources). FHIR was designed by an international standards group (HL7) to allow healthcare information systems to talk to one another. By using a companion standard, SMART (Substitutable Medical Applications and Reusable Technologies), our apps can seamlessly integrate into the EHR and access data. Importantly, SMART on FHIR provides data security based on common standards, in the case of GrowthXP, Auth2. PC PAL offers a ladder of service authorisation and authentication, according to client needs. EHR systems from some of the world’s leading providers, notably Oracle/Cerner and Epic, are built on FHIR. This means that integrating our GrowthXP and other apps is a straightforward process compared to systems which do not conform.
For all clients, whatever their system, PC PAL software engineers work with a medical institution’s IT department to ensure ease of integration. The end result is that healthcare specialists can further improve patient care by accessing the data they need at the right moment.