WIC is the food and nutrition program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, serving about 40% of all infants in the U.S. with participants in all 50 States, 33 Tribes and 5 territories. The program aims to safeguard the health of vulnerable mothers and children (up to age 5). 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the WIC program. During this period WIC has helped millions of women, infants and children access the supplemental nutrition they need to thrive. PC PAL is proud to support the work of specialists working in the WIC program with its child growth and development tool, GrowthXP. GrowthXP allows the visualisation of a comprehensive range of measurements of a child. By selecting the appropriate chart within the system, a WIC specialist can efficiently identify the deviation from the expected pattern of development, or monitor the response to treatment. Since partnering with the WIC program in 2005 GrowthXP has now been installed in approximately 25% of the US States. |